Conducting a Background Investigation is a process a person or company uses to verify that person or company true identity in who they claim to be. By conducting a Background Investigation it will provide an opportunity to check someones, personal or business history in the following areas, criminal records, education records, employment history, asset history and other valuable activity records that may have happened in the past in order to confirm their validity. The legal and frequency purpose varies from industries, corporations and individuals as well as from state to state, and country to country. Hiring a trustworthy professional Investigator is usually the best way to ascertain the true facts of any subjects background. Many online services DO NOT provide real-time accurate information, which are offered to third party vendors like Licensed Private Investigators. Private Investigators also know where to look and can verify records in the field, providing certified documentation, where online services cannot. Database searches, as opposed to source records searches are notoriously inaccurate, and contain INCOMPLETE or OUT DATED information.
Following FCRA compliant laws Licensed Private Investigators can reveal information about a company or individuals true intentions as well as past activity behavior. Financial Services Firms are the most proportion of industries to outsource such services, next are employers of small businesses, who also find the need to utilize such investigative services.
Receiving many calls a day, our former federal, state and local male and female investigators with over 65 years of combined service experience know exactly how to navigate those records you are searching for. At JL & Associates, Ltd, which was rated the # 1 investigative firm in results, our commitment is to provide a full comprehensive report with real-time accurate information, that can provide clear decision making you require.
By leading the industry with State -Of -The -Art record searching techniques and database systems our Licensed Private Investigators can also consult with you on the most cost-effective ways to achieve your objective.
So whether you are conducting a background investigation on an individual or a company we can assist you with all the answers you are searching for. You may contact us by email at info@JLAssoc.com or call our office for a FREE confidential consultation by phone @ 212-949-6530 24/7 days.
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