As by definition, surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities or information for the purpose of influencing, directing or managing. This method can include observation from a distance, human intelligence gathering and other techniques or resource intelligence gathering.
Surveillance as a method, is used by Licensed Private Investigators while conducting investigations and to protect a persons, groups or business assets, character and vulnerabilities. Some examples can be seen in such cases, such as an individuals criminal or civil matters, intelligence gathering with businesses, different civil and religious groups, business competitors/suppliers and etc.
Private Investigators unlike some government agencies such as COINTELPRO, are NOT allowed to obtain or intercept electronically transmitted information by covert listening devices for any cell phone, landline, internet servers and etc, unless authorized by a court order.
Why are we the EXPERTS?
Unlike other firms, we at JL & Associates, Ltd. have specialized in this investigative skill from the day of opening our business. We have such an impeccable reputation, that other agencies have always requested us to conduct there surveillance investigations for them. With over 65 years of combined service experience our former Federal, State & Local, male and female investigators use their knowledge by always utilizes the most state-of-the-art surveillance equipment and methods to provide the best results.
Leading the industry by being rated the #1 most trusted and result oriented Private Investigation Firm, our experienced team of world-wide investigators can assemble a surveillance team anywhere at anytime , helping our client’s mitigate all their special requirements.
Our objective is always to provide the best results and answers that our clients require, regardless of the circumstances.
For a FREE Confidential Consultation by phone please contact us at 212-949-6530 or by email @ info@jlassoc.com
Website: https://www.privateinvestigators.nyc
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