A corporate investigation is the thorough investigation of a corporation or business in order to uncover wrongdoing committed by management, employees, or third parties. A corporate investigator’s main function, is ensuring a company is running smoothly and to mitigate solutions within the law.
All organizations can benefit from an investigation that mitigates solutions. No matter the industry, external or internal threats can pose negative consequences that when left unchecked. may have dire consequences. When corporate investigations are done well, it can uncover situations that impact security, identify wrongdoing and mitigate risks for your organization.
With over 65 years of combined service experience JL & Associates, Ltd is leading the industry with proven methods that provide succesful results. Our former Federal, State & Local professional investigators can help mitigate any corporate matter that you cannot share anywhere else. When we conduct an investigation, we’ll examine both internal and external risk factors, looking for any and all impacts to your work environment and your bottom line. We’re then able to provide customized solutions, providing continuity between strategy and activity. Our corporate investigations can include the full range or tailor an investigation to the clients specific needs.

Here are some of the reasons corporate investigations are normally conducted.
1) Competitive Wrongdoing
2) Compliance Regulations
3) Internal Auditing
4) Disruption Of Business
5) Recovering Loss
6) Identifying Loss of Trade Secrets
7) Managing And Mitigating Risk
8) Due Diligence
9) Violations Of NCA(No compete agreement)
10) NEW Employees(Covid 19) contact tracing
plus much more… See our website services page. http://www.corporateinvestigators.nyc
Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company, Wall Street Firm, non profit organization or a start-up, your investigation should have several phases that address the depth and nuance of the investigation. Your investigator will assess your needs with a series of industry questions to better understand your situation and provide recommendations accordingly. The length of time an investigation takes depends on a lot of factors, particularly complexity. And while many investigations are done on an as-needed bases, many of our clients also choose to use our investigative services continually, due to its impact on their bottom line.
We offer a FREE initial consultation by phone 24/7 days, which will put you in the right direction of your inquiry.
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