Landlord & Tenant Investigations

JL & ASSOCIATES, LTD is the most respected and trustworthy private investigation firm that works with both landlords and tenants of commercial & residential properties. For over 65 years of combined service experience our former federal, state & local male & female investigators can assist you with any matter that involves landlords or tenant investigations.

Some of our services include:

  1. Non-Primary Residence Investigations – A non-primary residence investigation of a business or individual can determine if there is enough evidence to bring to court to engage in a surrender or a settlement.
  2. Illegal Sublets: To determine whether a business or individual is illegally profiting at the expense of a landlord. We can determine whether the legal business or tenant is legally operating or residing at the location in question, thereby entitling the landlord to recover such premises or back rent.
  3. Tenant Screening : We can conduct a background screening process designed especially for the business or tenant in question to determine the character and financial stability of such applicant. All federal & State laws will apply.

4. Investigating Succession Laws: In New York City an occupant of a rent stabilized or controlled apartment as a “family member” of the tenant, have the right to remain in the apartment when the tenant dies or permanently leaves the apartment. We can assist landlords to ascertain the relationship to the original tenant and whether that occupant can continue his or her occupancy of that location or apartment.

5. Investigating Illegal Activity On Premises: We can conduct an investigation into the activity of a commercial or residential location and document that activity so the landlord may recover such premises.

6. Database Searches Of Tenant: We have the most state-of-the-art database systems that can assist with any detailed matter that may require public information for court purposes.

JL & ASSOCIATES, LTD. can also review, process and serve legal documents to the Landlord or Tenants in question.

For a FREE consultation by phone you may contact us @ 212-949-6530 or by email 24/7 days. All Inquiries are kept confidential.

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